Anonymous China


Anonymous hactivism requires leadership for success

Anonymous, an international collective of hacktivists, has increasingly been involved with subjects including the opposition of censorship and the defense of cybersecurity and racial equality. The individuals appear in Guy Fawkes masks, like the ones in the film “V for Vendetta,” as they march in protest. Standing for reasonable and positive standpoints, they aim to fight for justice and the freedom of individuals globally.
The public is in need of someone who will inform us on what those we most depend on will never provide. Most recently, Anonymous revealed the personal information of hundreds of Ku Klux Klan members . Yes, they promised to expose 1,000 members, but Anonymous removed many names to further investigate their legitimacy. Whether the result was 1,000 or 100 people, they made an effort in exposing a barbaric group that the United States shouldn’t tolerate.
As encouraging as the sound of exposing potential hate criminals can be, Anonymous still has an internal obligation of projecting correct information. Prior to the planned date and time of the leak, one hacker decided to release the names, emails and phone numbers of those he claimed were Ku Klux Klan members. These were proven to be tremendously inaccurate. The official Anonymous Twitter page later renounced the premature leak. A lack of accuracy left innocent individuals in sometimes life threatening positions.
The Ku Klux Klan member leak wasn’t the first incident in which Anonymous was responsible for obliviously spreading false information. In August 2014, Michael Brown was shot and killed by a white police officer in Ferguson, Missouri. Struggling to attain the identity of the officer responsible for the killing, Anonymous took matters into its own hands in unveiling the name of the officer. A few of the Anons became convinced that a man named Bryan Willman, an officer from a nearby suburb, was responsible for the shooting of Michael Brown. While Willman stayed home under police protection and received countless death threats, the members came to the realization of falsehood and confessed to its inaccuracy via Twitter.
What is an innocent person left to do when Anonymous claims them as a member of the Ku Klux Klan? How is an officer meant to deal with death threats after an accusation of murder? There’s no doubt these people received an amplitude of hate and discrimination followed by threats after being victimized without cause.
Anonymous was originally a group of trolls and still contains a large number of them who act simply for entertainment, otherwise known to them as “Lulz.” In other words, Anonymous is largely composed of online pranksters who mess with you just because they can. Given the opportunity, they will shame you in front of the village. By all means, shame away, but don’t tarnish the reputation of Anonymous as a whole.
Although the trolls seem useless and immature, a regulated combination of trolls and politically involved activists can potentially create an outstanding result. For example, in 2008, Anonymous shared a video of Tom Cruise partaking in the Church of Scientology. This caused a bit of a battle between the two groups as Anonymous strongly protested the abuses of the church. The troll mindset that so many members possess was crucial in the comical execution of protests. Aside from causing its website to crash multiple times, members caused Google to show the Church of Scientology’s website link under the search “dangerous cult” and had the church’s Los Angeles headquarters’ fax machines print all black pages. It may be juvenile, but the execution was just wonderful.
Anonymous has many benefits. If well-established and organized, it can be beneficial for the public. It’s eye-opening material like the group’s that we all need in our lives. The material may be inaccurate, but its mindset is one that we many times fail to think of. The issue stands as to where and how those mindsets are put into effect.
The mistakes made by members, which create the spread of false information are a result of far too many individuals bringing their bit to the table without a structured head or lead role. An alpha dog capable of keeping the loose hounds in order is the only way to minimize the negatively effective actions taken by some of the weaker links. The potential of stripping the inaccuracies and falsehoods presented by members is high, but only under the circumstance that those members work together and harmonize with a president of some sort, though this seems almost impossible.
I appreciate and admire Anonymous’ attempts at doing all it can in keeping us free and informed. Be our army, but don’t deploy a handful of privates in place of generals.

