Anonymous China


Baby Ebony inquiry: Nationwide database recommended for child protection cases

South Australia's Deputy Coroner has recommended a national database for child protection cases after an inquest into the death of baby Ebony.

The four-month-old died in November 2011 of horrific injuries at the hands of her father, who is currently in jail.

She was left dead in her cot for a week at her teenage parents' Brooklyn Park unit in Adelaide's west before they alerted Families SA.

Deputy Coroner Anthony Schapel, who handed down his summary of the findings, said the girl's death could have been prevented if Families SA staff and South Australia Police had handled the case better.

The inquest heard the couple had moved from New South Wales when the mother was pregnant.

The mother, who was 17 when baby Ebony was born, was under the guardianship of the NSW Government.

The father's history with the NSW Department of Community Services included allegations that he had assaulted two other children and abused cannabis.

Mr Schapel said Families SA's failure to request information about the father's background from NSW authorities was "an egregious oversight".

"The incompetence being all the more culpable having regard to the relative ease with which the information about [the father] could have been obtained," he said.

Mr Schapel said a national child protection database would ensure immediate access to interstate records.

He also recommended sending out an alert when contact is lost with a child's parents.

"In so far as it is necessary, legislation should be introduced to facilitate such nationwide access to child protection information in order to overcome any privacy considerations," Mr Schapel said.

Ebony's leg broken after she was dropped by 'stoned' father

Mr Schapel said Families SA should have taken a keener interest in the girl's care and protection and a more thorough police investigation was needed after the girl's leg was broken prior to her death.

The inquest heard how the father told Families SA he accidentally dropped the girl and her leg became caught between the wheels of her pram.

The father admitted to Families SA he earlier smoked a bong and it may have "slowed him down a bit" and he "needed to get off the dope".

Mr Schapel said the explanation was "intrinsically flawed", the investigation "lacked enthusiasm" and Families SA had "erroneously" cleared the father.

"This lack of cohesion and failure to address all essential requirements of an investigation such as this was due in part to [Families SA supervisor Loretta Parenta] Ms Parenta's lack of appetite for the task," he said.

On anyone's version of events, [the father] had caused the injury and had done so under the influence of cannabis," he said.

"Thus it is difficult to see how it could be said that the parents had been cleared of having caused the injury."

Ms Parenta blamed workload issues for closing the file and for not further investigating baby Ebony's case.

Mr Schapel it was hard for the court to judge the validity of her claim.

He acknowledged Ms Parenta's claim that she did not have the capacity to allocate the file after another worker left the office and admitted her claim could not be completely ruled out.

"I do observe that Ms Parenta did not mention in her closure note any such difficulty as being a reason for closing the file," Mr Schapel said.

He recommended changes to ensure case files were only closed by authorities higher than Families SA supervisors.

Deputy Coroner draws from Chloe Valentine recommendations

Mr Schapel further referred to the coronial inquiry into the death of four-year-old Chloe Valentine, who died from horrific injuries she sustained while being forced repeatedly to ride a motorbike at her Ingle Farm home in Adelaide's north in January 2012.
"It is also surprising that [SA Police] SAPOL, which was a participant in the investigation, would also not have recognised [the father's] background as an essential element in the investigation.

"Equally perplexing is the blind eye that was turned to the criminality of [the father's] behaviour regarding cannabis and that of his supplier or suppliers."

Mr Schapel said Families SA took "no particular notice" of the father's cannabis habit.

He said this case demonstrated how the effect of cannabis use should never be underestimated by social workers.

"There is, I find, a worrying tendency within the child protection environment to regard cannabis consumption as having limited importance and to downplay the dangers associated with the consumption of cannabis within a family setting such as this," Mr Schapel said.

Ebony's case file closed on an 'erroneous' basis

During the inquiry, Mr Schapel also found Ebony's case file had been closed on an "erroneous basis" by Ms Parenta one month before her death.

All this court can do is to repeat the recommendation made by the State Coroner in the matter of the death of Chloe Valentine ...
Deputy Coroner Anthony Schapel
Mr Schapel said Ebony's file should have been reopened after further concerns were raised about the baby.

"All this court can do is to repeat the recommendation made by the State Coroner [in 2015] in the matter of the death of Chloe Valentine, that a proper assessment should be undertaken to ascertain the most effective resource allocation method for Families SA," he said.

"The assessment should include a consideration of the volumes of work and what resource effort is needed to carry out the work satisfactorily."

He further added that police should have better investigated a report of domestic violence involving the parents before baby Ebony's death.

He said the officers who visited the couple's Brooklyn Park unit knew an "incident" had taken place, but not that it involved domestic violence, because that detail was not included in the police computer system.

"[The mother] failed to report it when spoken to by police, and the independent witness who had seen and reported the matter was not spoken to," Mr Schapel said.

"Thus it was that no offence was detected by police when it should have been."



Child protective services are taking children away from there family for no reasons, breaking families, but also, exposing those children who were perfectly happy in their family to a life of misery. Some of those children place in orphanage or foster parents are being mistreated, sexually harassed, and sometimes worse. We have been investigating child protective services in many contries, in the Netherlands, the USA, the UK, France, Germany, and Norway. We found in all of those countries, many cases were children were taken away from their family under false motives. CPS manipulate the files in order to take those children away, approximately 50% of children taken away by CPS were never victims of any abuses. In some european contries, CPS can make 7 000 euros per children and per month, it's a business. We also know that in the UK, vicitims have a gagging order throw at them, in the secret courts, so they don't speak up, because they are afraid.

What we want to achieve is pressuring the people in power through petitions and protest. In holland there is a protest march being organized on the 1st of june, international childrens day. This protest will be agaisnt child protective services. What we would like to do is make this event worldwide, organizing a mega protest march all around the world against the illegals practices of child protective services.

How can you help us : This operation is mainly activism. We work on contacting victims, spreading our message, petitions, we also have translators, others people are investigating those countries trying to find new cases. We also wanted to make small teams for each country, each team working on organizing the protest in their country. There is a lot to be done in this op and everyone can join and add new ideas to help, and make this op grow. 

if you are from America, you might want to visit this website :

this Website was made by some anons working on American cases essentially.

June 1, 2016 OpExposeCPS International Protest Official Press Release

Spain: ... e1span.pdf

France: ... France.pdf

Germany: ... e1Germ.pdf

Romania: ... omania.pdf

Portugal: ... 1Porto.pdf

Italy: ... Italia.pdf

Netherlands: ... 1Dutch.pdf

Philippines: ... 1Filip.pdf

China: ... 1China.pdf

Czech Republic: ... 1Czech.pdf

India: ... 1India.pdf

Russia: ... ewRuss.pdf

Slovakia: ... e1Slov.pdf

South Korea: ... hKorea.pdf

Pakistan: ... e1Urdu.pdf

English Version: ... nglish.pdf

Arabic Version: ... e1Arab.pdf

Re: OpExposeCps
Postby righteous » Tue Jan 26, 2016 8:07 am

Official Op Video:

Courtesy of AnonymousChina


French media expose more Chinese female students and the principal exchange bed diploma

Toulon, France University (Universidade de Toulon), former president of Wells Lahti (Laroussi Oueslati) was accused of bribery, forgery, tampering with student achievement, embezzlement of public funds, the prosecution pointed out, Wells Lahti traders planning a rotten system, Chinese students can register as long as the bribe, some female students even his sexual transaction, devoted to exchange registration or diploma.

Agence France-Presse reported that Wells Lahti yesterday (18th) in Marseilles (Marseille) trial, the prosecution alleged, Wells Lahti reduce student admission standards, attracted many Chinese students, especially poor French, by other universities denial of admission, registration of students. French Ministry of Higher Education survey also found that student achievement has been tampered with, so they get a degree.

Reported that in April 2008 to November, 438 Chinese students admitted through a special agency to be registered, and the founder and management of this institution are Wells Lahti. Part Chinese students said they were registered via the Internet, and pay 3,000 euros (about 11 million NT dollars) "Buy" registration status, while some of the "intermediary", said the last part of the money into the pockets of Wells Lahti, exaggeration that some female students may even go to bed and Wells Lahti, in exchange for registration or to get a diploma.

Toulon University of Chinese students in the case of the sale of diplomas between April 2009 disclosed by the media. Investigators found that many French standards a serious shortage of Chinese students actually be able to successfully register in the school, but also found that some Chinese students through the school money to buy or sell diplomas to the students. After the news came to light, causing a public outcry in France. May 2010, the former president of the school by the French Ministry of Higher Education Wales Lahti ordered suspended, and was banned from working in public and private educational institutions.

However, Wells Lahti innocence in court, he said he has been very honest, he tried to revitalize the university a quick bankruptcy, he developed Asia and South America the students to register. He acknowledged his lack of caution on some issues, not rigorous enough, but everything he has done is to increase the number of students in schools. He believes that since the 2009 incident, he was like in the desert alone, and feel that this is unfair. Wells Lahti and five accomplices to stand trial are Chinese people.

#Op Child Protection Services

This very important operation first started in the United-States, but quickly it has come to our intention that child protection services are corrupted not only in the United-States but also in several countries all over the world. We have been investigating cases in the United States, the Netherlands, France, Germany, Belgium, Australia, Canada and Norway. All of these countries have one thing in common, child protective services violating Human and Children's rights. In many cases children are taken away from their home under false motives. Child protection services manipulate the facts in order to take children away from their families to increase profit for their organization. Now this message is aimed directly at you, child protection services and your corrupted social workers who are tampering with the files of these families. For too long your actions have gone unnoticed, and unpunished, this ends now. We are asking the FBI and Interpol to investigate the child protection services in these countries. If nothing is done, we are going to expose the CPS piece by piece. We are also working on an international protest for the 1st of June 2016, on the International children’s day. We are asking victims but also citizens around the world to join this campaign, it's time to show the CPS that their illegal actions will no longer be tolerated.

We are Anonymous

we are legion

We do not forgive

 we do not forget,

Expect us

International Operation Expose CPS has been launched

Child protection services you should have expected us.


Thailand four student protesters were brought to military court

In Thailand, four members of the student organization was accused authorities of illegal assembly, was sent to the military court hearing.

Four under the military escort, arrived in Bangkok on Thursday a military court. Four students are from a place called "new democratic movement," the student organizations, the authorities accused them of violation of regulations prohibiting public gatherings. Accused of the relevant regulations as a means to suppress anti-government activities.

Arrested people, including organization leader, he said on Wednesday night by a masked man away, and beaten, after being taken to the police station. The other three were arrested in solidarity with him to the police station.

The student organization launched last month to protest against the military in Hua Xinxing build a memorial park the king of ancient process involving corruption. Student demonstrators attempted to enter the park at the time, but the military was obstructed.

Sponsored by the military to build a memorial park covers an area of over 350,000 square meters at a cost of $ 28 million. The expense of the private funds, supervise the construction of the military, but the military has been challenged to build cost pocketed.

Reporters Without Borders promoting EU sanctions Chinese media

Reporters Without Borders criticized the CCTV and the Xinhua News Agency, issuing Causeway bookstore proprietor Guangxi China Sea and Swedish citizen Peter Darling was forced to admit mistakes reported, called on the EU sanctions against these two Chinese official media.

CCTV has broadcast Guangxi China Sea recently, and because involved in human rights work and was detained Peter Darling admit mistakes fragments. Xinhua News Agency report also refers to Peter Darling deliberate intensification of conflicts and disputes, inciting people against the government.

Reporters Without Borders criticized the CCTV and the Xinhua News Agency, knowing the two men will be under pressure to admit mistakes, but still contribute to this lie, become a propaganda tool, not the news media should do. No news value of this organization was forced to repent reports outraged, but also refers to the Chinese media this practice threatens the values of freedom to report the news, called on the EU sanctions CCTV and Xinhua News Agency.

EU sanctions against Iran in 2013 has also been the official media, because these media playback suspects allegedly forced to confess affect their right to a fair trial.


US police shot dead after the crash found innocent Chinese students

Arizona 19-year-old Chinese female student Jiang Yue after being rear-ended accident the driver was shot and killed one case, local police confirmed the incident Jiang Yue is the innocent victim. Their families on the 19th and Tempe Police Department and met with representatives of the school.

Jiang Yue from China Chongqing, the Department of Finance during his lifetime is Arizona State University sophomore. When ABC reported that the January 16 afternoon, she and her boyfriend drove her way home in the busy intersection of Broadway Road and McClintock wait for a red light, he was 32-year-old American woman Holly Davis (Holly Davis) driving hit. Surprisingly Davis walked off the driver's side where the car Yue Jiang, from the window open for a few rush to the latter.

Jiang Yue's car lost control and crashed into another car, killing five people, including a pregnant woman and three children, were injured. The final result of Jiang Yue gunshot wounds rescue ambulance bound for the hospital died.

US media reported that this was a "road rage disorder" cases. Police later Davis home in in hindsight escape her arrest, Davis is no repentance, not to cooperate with the police, trying to cover up the evidence and lied, he denied that he had been shot, but admitted taking oxycodone (drugs, has also been used as a substitute drug). She was charged with first-degree murder, intentional injury, the use of lethal weapons and many other charges.

After the incident, many classmates and friends Yue Jiang to the accident site to mourn, roadside tree and decorated with flowers and cards. Chinese Students and Scholars Association at Arizona State University on the 18th micro-Bo said, the students spontaneously afternoon memorial service held at the site of the incident Jiang Yue, about 300 people attended.

Jiang Yue's family, consular representatives Chinese Consulate General in Los Angeles and Arizona overseas Chinese representatives on the 19th arrived 达坦佩 City police, and officers and school representatives of Arizona State University met to discuss Jiang Yue body placement, and confirmation of responsibility after an accident other details.

Special agent in charge of the case Phineas (C. Pheanis) said that from the current disposal situation, Jiang Yue no fault in this accident. For Davis's behavior and thoughts, the police has no master.

In addition, the police said there is no evidence that this incident related to racial discrimination, Davis did not for Jiang Yue, in all cases entirely coincidence. Tempe police interview Galbraith pointed out, "Jiang Yue just normal driving on the road, she is the innocent victim of this incident."


Tsinghua University teaching ISIS portal was weak passwords hacked, Home has been tampered with

Around January 17 at 10 pm, Tsinghua University teaching portal hacked. With part of the page after clicking music, content for the Arab Islamic scriptures, to the effect that "God is great, I fear death, sacrifice is my ultimate goal." After the incident, Tsinghua quickly shut down the server, to prevent further spread.

Twitter account "Islamic State Media" has not been admitted to the hacking incident. Still can not backtracking to the hacker organization. It is learned that my school information technology center is looking for reasons.

Home invasion left the hacker-mail account:

don soufiane "account for the lone wolf hackers had invaded many countries and regions website, also attacked some private account.


Zhou Ziyu event continue to simmer the three places reflect strong

Taiwan artist Zhou Ziyu to waving a red flag regarding the shooting ROC apology video, events continue to simmer, President Ma Ying-jeou also respond to the event, referring to Zhou Ziyu unnecessary apology.
Taiwanese President Ma Ying-jeou on Saturday morning in response to Zhou Ziyu event, refers to people on both sides should not be subject to deliberately provoke emotion.
Taiwan presidential spokesman Chen refers to the letter, Ma Ying-jeou regretted the incident, as Zhou Ziyu encounter was too harsh, said she did not need to apologize.
Ma said that every national recognition of the Republic of China, for the ROC national flag of emotion, not that be so hurt.
Ma said: "sincere hug Republic of China, of course, not support Taiwan independence."
Ma Ying-jeou also asked the Foreign Ministry and the Mainland Affairs Council, to clarify the role of South Korea and mainland China in terms of this matter.
Apology video
Zhou Ziyu 16 years old, was born in Tainan, a member of South Korea's "Twice" women's team. South Korean brokerage firm Zhou Ziyu affiliated JYP released Friday night Zhou Ziyu apology video.
In the video, Zhou Ziyu dressed in black, his face haggard. She said: "there is only one China, cross-strait are one, I always feel that he is a proud Chinese people, I, as a Chinese person, in the foreign activity, due to the negligence on the words and deeds of the company of friends on both sides of the emotional cause hurt, I feel very, very sorry, very guilty, I decided to suspend all of the activities are now China, seriously reflect on this to apologize, I'm sorry. "
Additionally, JYP boss Zhen Yong Park also issued a statement apologizing to the Chinese audience. "Once again I deeply appreciate, and a national cooperation, should respect the sovereignty of their emotional state, culture, history and the people."
Park Zhen Yong continued: "She left home at the age of 13, came to Korea, I and our parents have not been able to develop a good for Ziyu, huge mistake I and the company."
The whole incident
周子瑜 program in a South Korean ROC waving red flags, are self-proclaimed "independence killer" Huang spotted her on the microblogging support Taiwan independence.
Huang Jan. 8 in microblogging wrote: "A girl called Zhou Ziyu of Taiwan last year, she was waving Taiwan 'flag' on Korean TV, I had to report her micro-Bo, her 'fans' representatives Give me a private letter to explain everything, I hope I can be lenient. After independence television Sanli but she desperately fight 'Taiwan independence artists' proud, 'glory for the country'. Recently this has an independence, three small Japanese Korea The combination of the Anhui TV show, opposition turn up. "
Huang this post was forwarded 15,000 times, many Chinese mainland users to support Huang remarks. Zhou Ziyu original Huawei Y6 cheap phones for the Chinese mainland, because the event was suspended cooperation.
Event after more than a week, the situation got out of hand. JYP Wednesday (January 13) issued a statement that Zhou Ziyu to Taiwan independence elements is "false rumors", also admit hearsay make JYP affected work in mainland China. "This party is not false rumors only 16 years old minors, their age and experience is still insufficient to form their own political views." JYP also cancel Zhou Ziyu all performing arts activities in mainland China.
Additionally, JYP official website of the Zhou Ziyu self-introduction to many changes - from "Nationality: Taiwan's" changed to "Birthplace: Taiwan", then change to "Place of Birth: China Taiwan."
All of the reactions
Zhou Ziyu apology video shocked Taiwan, so many Taiwanese man was not worth Zhou Ziyu, full User comments on events on social media.
Sign in Taiwan batch heated discussions on kick Zhou Ziyu event, where a man named waijr friends, said: "This represents the 1992 consensus is false." And another netizen said: "Taiwanese feel completely lost RMB ... ... "
Moreover, some netizens criticized JYP make a little girl bear incident, forcing Zhou Ziyu read my statement to apologize.
Zhou Ziyu apology video also radiation to Hong Kong social media, Hong Kong Internet users are also talking about.
Hong Kong singer Denise Ho in personal special page on face book published comments on the incident: "Hong Kong and Taiwan artists and entertainment companies who really need such kind of injustice continue to survive it worth it pathetic that sixteen-year-old child, scared to death, later?? They are afraid to talk about what to do before what will be thinking after care. "
Play a role in the organization two years ago in Hong Kong "Occupy Central" protest movement "on Scholarism" member Zhou Ting, Friday night also broadcast live on the face of the book special page, which are discussed in Zhou Ziyu events.
# # Zhou Ziyu apology on the microblogging has become a hot topic, read amounted to 160 million.
China's official media, "People's Daily" also microblogging comment Zhou Ziyu event: "involving Taiwan independence artist surnamed Zhou apologized to face South Korea's 'dumb', fans shouted after the first national icon, but even now both apologized, public image. converting moment to recover. In fact, fans are not willing to let the entertainment politicized, nor hope of political entertainment. Because you do not PR or public relations, the one China principle are there, not to rise, can not be challenged. Every one patriotism, They deserve to be carefully placed. "
Some Internet users in mainland China in the micro-Bo said dissatisfied Zhou Ziyu apology. Some netizens said:. "Just under pressure fills not think we should forgive."
Pier Street in the morning a man named user said: "wall criticize China, wall Like China, this person should be permanently banned China should be like this, have their qualifications!."
However, some mainland netizens criticize Huang. "Huang artists create political terror manner as to undermine the whole people of the Cultural Revolution-style cross-strait civilian mutual trust in order to achieve the purpose of support Tsai Ing-wen election success!"
"Cultural Revolution-style continental soil whole person thinking will allow young people in Taiwan and the mainland farther and farther, and ultimately young people in Taiwan support independence, this is the role of Huang."


Jakarta suffered numerous bombings Daesh

Jakarta city center occurred on the 14th in the morning at least six explosions, police exchanged fire with militants occurred. At least six people were killed, including three policemen and three people.

First explosion occurred at 10:45, followed by a series of explosions sounded several times. A policeman at the scene said police. Firefight with militants in the mall occurred near Sali Na

Outside the United Nations office in Jakarta is also the center of a building explosion

Indonesian police said there are 10 to 14 gunmen involved in serial bombings.

Indonesian police said there are 10 to 14 gunmen involved in serial bombings.


China Unicom, China Telecom first-round cooperation against China Mobile

China Telecom and China Unicom signed a comprehensive cooperation. This is China Unicom and China Telecom once the most comprehensive cooperation. This means that China Unicom and China Telecom future broadband and 4G networks will increase.

Reporters learned from the scene, this time signed a comprehensive cooperation, but not before rumors of "Merge."

Lu Yimin, general manager of China Unicom Group, said the cooperation between the two sides work together to promote supply-side structural reforms networks, terminals, etc., to achieve cost efficiency, enhance operational efficiency of state-owned assets, and quality improvement through supply side, to provide customers better networks and services, promoting consumer information.

Under the agreement, the two sides will carry out strategic cooperation in the following five aspects: First, further promote the network sharing to accelerate network coverage, enhance the service capabilities of the network; assist business recovery in major disasters, emergencies and an important guarantee for each situation, The two sides enhance emergency communications support capabilities.

Second, the rich terminal category, to better meet the diverse needs of users, and jointly promote the six-mode "full Netcom" has become the national standard.

Third is to improve the quality of network connectivity, enhance customer service perception.

Fourth, the use of new market-oriented operation mechanism and carry out innovative business cooperation.

Fifth, joint and foreign carriers for international roaming business cooperation, enhance the international roaming service quality.

Yang Jie, general manager of China Telecom, said that this cooperation will promote "innovation, cooperation, openness, sharing" has become the new industry norm, for our customers to provide more high-quality network and services, creating more effective supply of high quality, high value, promoting information consumption.

Japan Maritime Self Defense Force submarine officer was shot himself within the higher abuse

Japan Maritime Self Defense Force, a lieutenant higher due to unbearable abuse within the submarine shot himself (seriously dead), who abused the three officers was Lieutenant disciplinary action.

Reported that the incident took place in September 2015, today announced the Japanese Maritime Self Defense Force was the matter. Moored in Hiroshima Wu base within maritime self-defense to "black dragon" class submarines, 39 lieutenant shot himself with a pistol in the cabin, after being rescued, but due to the shooting cause serious complications.

Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force Survey results show that any of the boss and a former boss when the lieutenant had been subjected to two (another submarine service time) abuse, mental problems causing the lieutenant chose to commit suicide.

It reported that the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force in October last year for abuse of subordinates suspended implementation of these three officers and other punitive sanctions.


International organizations: in 2015 a total of more than 3700 refugees drowning in the Mediterranean

International Organization for Migration, the United Nations under the January 8 said that in just a week since the beginning of 2016, a total of 46 migrants or refugees by boat en route to Europe in an attempt to death. The death toll has more than half of all deaths in January last year, the sum of the three months, the death toll is 2014 years, most migrants or refugees died in the Turkish coast of the victims of the two ships wreckage.

IOM noted that Turkey has strengthened its coastal policy, and now cold weather, but have failed to impede migrants and refugees from the Middle East, Asia and Africa embark on dangerous sea.

IOM also said that 2015 is the largest number of deaths in the Mediterranean migrants and refugees in the year, a total of 3700 people died.

On the other hand, the International Organization for Migration said that Germany in 2015 received 1.1 million asylum-seekers and more than 470,000 asylum applications, of which 30 percent were from the Western Balkans, including Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Yugoslavia, The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro.

Taiwan against two "double agent": spy secrets to China

                       Wang Zongwu

Lin Han

Taiwan "Military Intelligence Bureau" retired Maj Wangzong Wu ordered to go to the mainland intelligence gathering, did not expect to be absorbed by the mainland, a "double agent"; he returned to Taiwan after absorption retired Colonel Lin Han spying "MIB" stationed in the mainland, the list of overseas personnel secrets to the land side. Case by Taiwan's "High Prosecutor's Office" investigation knot, according to Wai Huanzui and breach of "state secrets protection law" to prosecute the two men.

Wang Zongwu is Taiwan's "Military Intelligence Bureau" intelligence officer training class 75 graduation; Lin Han is 82 graduation, once stationed in Japan, after retirement investment property. Investigation department suspected 王宗武 Bong "Military Intelligence" indicates since 1993, has four times to cover the mainland to engage in business intelligence; continent learned his identity, he was absorbed in 1995.Wang Zongwu suspect the "Military Intelligence" Division personnel stationed list continent staff leaked to the land side, the mainland fixed annual gave him 10000-30000 US dollars reward, Wang also presents information project reports to the mainland, the mainland by the piece, send it Work Bonus $ 10,000. In 2005, Wang Zongwu due to return to Taiwan to conduct polygraph loyalty did not pass, the applicant retired, but he still under development in the island continent indicates the organization and personnel repeatedly Meet Macao with the mainland, the Philippines, Thailand, Singapore and Malaysia to meet delivery information.

Wang Zongwu already retired due to limited sources of information, in order to gather intelligence, he was actively involved in "MIB" The students and seniors brother Canxu absorb offline, absorbed by the end of 2013 through the dinner to school brother Lin Han. Investigations department, said Wang Lin Lu Fang two had twice accepted hospitality, Tong Fu, Singapore, Malaysia Tourism, deliver intelligence received remuneration. "ONI" was informed report "National Security Bureau," the entire case by the "National Security Bureau of Investigation Station" investigation, "national security stations" listen, more monitoring for two years, last March launched a search investigation.

US government asked Facebook to delete Hong Kong Pui Ching communities such as anti-tissue accounts Home

ace book Delete Voices love Hong Kong, Hong Kong Pui Ching account in communities such as the anti-organized home is not the first time, about the group went to the United States Consulate in Hong Kong to protest against its "trample freedom of speech." And on the afternoon of January 6, Pui Youth Outreach will again face book page removed, accounting for over 7,000 people in the group anti likewise closed. It is reported that, Pui Ching social network media has been a thorn in the side of the opposition, he has publicly criticized the university orientation programs indecent, openly oppose accounting moderate.

Pui Youth Outreach face book page report that day was a lot of things the fuse is Hong Kong, "locals" activist Cai Weiyi climbers killed, the investigation found that the suspected rain lone slip stream falling death loss save. 24 missing as previously Cai Weiyi, rumors flared up, and even a "Communist agents sent to Hong Kong to push the stone downhill" and other absurd argument, Pui Youth Outreach stated truth: "sunny days", the opposition was considered to be the victims of Internet users who disrespect their complaints, at 7:00 pm, Hong Kong Pui Ching club was shut down Facebook's home page.
22:00, Hong Kong Youth Outreach training designed to open another page, the warning "locals" elements "twist arrived dead," and that without fear of repression: "Off opened ten." But observers network discovery, this new home page soon be removed, still inaccessible as of press time.

And that day, netizens pointed out that the suspected Pui Kiu Middle School Liberal Studies teacher, Pui Youth Outreach Chairman Chen Zhixing face book accounts published called "Chen Zhixing" in vulgar language, Pui Kiu Middle School Principals to recruit Cheung Yee Ming Pao said Chen The teacher said the account was not his own keeper, Chen has been the police for help.
Later, circulated on the Internet a signed "Chen Zhixing Frankie Chan" a "solemn declaration" and said he had never in face book with "Chen Zhixing" open account, he himself "never use foul language message." The statement also pointed out that someone posing as he opened a malicious face book account and make vulgar language message, Chen Zhixing I feel very angry, would all legal action rights reserved.


War in Syria village: children are eating the leaves

Ma Daya young people holding banners written in English, called on the UN to help

This seems to be a remarkable morning, the sun was just rising, snow-capped mountains near the Syrian town of Ma Daya (Madaya) of the air is also filled with coolness. A pregnant woman pulling a thin little girl secretly went to the outside of town, in a hurry. When mother and daughter near the southern edge of town, only to hear "bang!" A loud noise, a sudden shock wave knocked them to the ground. Mines loud noise startled the nearby Shiite Hezbollah sentry, who without any explanation, opened fire directly to the mother and daughter. Mother and daughter is dead, and a lot of people trying to cross the blockade of Ma Daya same.

Ma Daya people as early as 2011 when it participated in the anti-government uprising, the suffering they have now suffered punishment from the Assad government. In the early revolutionary Syria, many mountain people of Syria to take up arms against the Assad government began to leave home. With the revolution more intensified, the Assad government began to suppress domestic opposition to the military as the top priority, its intensity even more than for IS and al-Qaeda crackdown. Last July Shiite army control the distance of two kilometers away 玛达雅 Dani Saba town, completely monopolized Ma Daya and the only channel to contact the outside world. Assad's government even forced some opponents went to Ma Daya live, 28-year-old university student Loa (Loay) and his 52-year-old mother was rushed there to experience hunger and death.

Rajai story perhaps more representative: Rajai, a former teacher, he taught English and mathematics in Ma Daya school. In 2011, he participated in the high-spirited rebel, but he was soon arrested by government forces, after tortured after being returned to Ma Daya. Suffered physical and mental torture, he is now left only emaciated. He told the media by telephone for help: "I only eat the strawberry leaves tonight, I have not eaten for three months normal food the kids are eating leaves, old and young who almost died.." Pull Since the blockade since Jai weight reduction of 50 pounds (about 45 kilograms).

Kids eating cooked leaves.

Assad government blockade causes of Ma Daya addition to retaliate, there blackmail - even Ye Renan blockade Ma Daya in exchange for full under opposition control. In this case, all the Ma Daya people are the army of the hostages, their destiny controlled by others.

Ma Daya is turning into a hell on earth, all the people are starving, all the people in the face of death. With the failure of the continuing blockade and Western forces intervene, Ma Daya people gradually lost hope, Rajai says: "When people read our story may have feelings, but they will soon forget our pain. "

Cologne, Germany, sexual assault thousands of New Year's Eve event site exposure

Cologne, Germany, sexual assault thousands of New Year's Eve event site exposure

December 31, 2015, Cologne, Germany, in the center of the train station gathered approximately 1000 drunken young man manufacture mass sexual assault case, after the police had received 90 from sexual assault report, including the rape report.

Cologne police chief Wolfgang Albers said the victim told police, about 1,000 idle men gathered in the New Year's Eve around the station, from the face to see if they "are Arabs or North Africans," some of whom have committed offense.

These men allocated to women around the closer, threatening them and ransacked their belongings. Police news release said the men also women around sexual harassment, the same day a woman was raped at night. Until January 4, police have received 90 report, including mobile phones, wallet theft. Presumably, some victims did not report....

That night, some of the men in the fireworks, someone threw lighted fireworks crowd.

That night, police arrested a trouble near the railway station of man. Meanwhile, the German city of Hamburg has also undergone a similar New Year's Eve Mass sexual assault cases.

The Council strongly condemns North Korea nuclear test said it would take further measures

The UN Security Council held an emergency meeting on the 6th, on the North Korean nuclear test issue for consultations behind closed doors. Issued after the President of the Council press statement he said the members of the Council strongly condemned North Korea's nuclear test, and immediately begin drafting a new Security Council resolution that contains the appropriate action.

According to North Korean media reported that North Korea local time on the 6th successful hydrogen bomb test. This is the first hydrogen bomb test North Korea is the fourth since the 2006 nuclear tests.

After nearly two hours of closed-door consultations after the Council's rotating presidency this month, the Permanent Representative of Uruguay to the United Nations Rosselli Chairman read out a press statement, he said the same day the Council members held emergency consultations to discuss the DPRK in January 2016 6th grave situation caused by the nuclear tests.

"The members of the Council strongly condemned the nuclear tests, nuclear tests in clear violation of Security Council resolution 1718 (2006), 1874 (2009), section 2087 (2013) and resolution 2094 (2013) resolution, the challenges of non-proliferation mechanism, and therefore to international peace and a clear threat to the continued existence of security. "

Rosselli said that members of the Council recalled that at the same time, the Council has previously expressed its determination to take "further significant action" when North Korea conducted another nuclear test. Given the seriousness of this determination and this nuclear test, the Council members will immediately begin drafting a new Security Council resolution that contains the appropriate action.

United Nations Headquarters in New York that day would have been no formal meetings. A spokesman for UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon announced the morning, a temporary increase in Ban's press conference and closed-door consultations of the Council. After Rosselli Chairman delivered his news talk, the Permanent Representative of Japan to the United Nations said Motohide Yoshikawa, Japan, the United States and South Korea in the United States Eastern time on the 5th evening jointly request the Council to convene this emergency meeting.

Prior to the Council's closed-door consultations, Ban Ki-moon said at a news conference unequivocal condemnation of North Korea that the nuclear test and urged the DPRK to stop any further nuclear activities. IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano and the Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization Executive Secretary zebo, also issued a statement expressed strong concern.

After the DPRK announced hydrogen bomb test, the Chinese Foreign Ministry said in a statement, North Korea defied international community generally opposed, conducted another nuclear test, the Chinese government is firmly opposed. The statement said denuclearization of the peninsula, preventing nuclear proliferation and safeguard peace and stability in Northeast Asia, China's position is firm. China strongly urges the DPRK to honor its commitment to denuclearization, stop taking any deterioration of the situation of action. Maintenance of peace and stability in the peninsula and in Northeast Asia serves the common interests of all parties. China will firmly promote the denuclearization of the peninsula, adhere to solve the nuclear issue through the six-party talks framework.

After North Korea conducted nuclear tests in 2006, 2009 and 2013, the UN Security Council have strongly condemned, by the three relevant resolutions and sanctions against North Korea. Japanese Ambassador Yoshikawa Yuanwei said it will promote the speedy adoption of a new Security Council resolution.


Anhui police informed "Girls fall open room with 2 people perish": drunk falls

A female university student in Wuhu Vocational Institute of New Year's Eve by two boys into school opposite the hotel, on the early morning of January 1 falls dead, the cause of death of female college students become controversial. January 4 in the afternoon, Wuhu City Public Security Bureau announced Truth of the case to the public, the Department of female college students to determine the next state of severe intoxication death accidental falls.

Under the notification contents, January 1, 2016 at 5 pm, Wanli Wuhu City Public Security Bureau police station received 110 orders PUC: Jiujiang days in the hotel someone falls. Arrived at the scene, police and 120 staff personnel to aid falls after Yijishan injured were sent to hospital, after she died.

After the incident, police quickly cordoned off the police, while carrying out a preliminary investigation, the Council, led by the principal leaders and leaders in charge of related kinds of police, rushed to the scene, set up incident investigation team, and to carry out investigations in accordance with standard murder work. Police have visited the survey of the relevant parties, the transfer of video surveillance data, ministries and agencies also invited the Group of Experts, under the witness of their families, carry out the relevant inspection.

The investigation: December 31, 2015 afternoon, the deceased Moumou meet certain party season, Wu spend the New Year, 21 o'clock that night, the three reach a bar, buy a bottle of whiskey during the three Black liquor, with 8 bottles of green tea against wine and a bottle of wine drinking. At 1:40 on January 1, 2016 Xu, Moumou has shown a drunken state, the three left the bar. 2:44, three men entered the hotel all day, for a check, and then carrying Wu Moumou together with a certain season into the room take the elevator to the sixth floor. At 5 pm, Wu found Moumou falls, then woke season certain conduct rescue together with the staff and the police.

So far, the police determined that the event is: severe state of intoxication resulting in accidents falls under. At present the investigation of the incident at Procuratorate and the NPC and CPPCC, the police air police discipline supervisors supervise and witness, to the bereaved families and the school were notified.

Earlier media reports:

Female students and two school brother was dead after fall open house including one pursuit

January 1, 2016 8:00 pm, the first day of the new year, a call from the school to break the Chen Jin (pseudonym), a person's calm. Day morning, she was in Wuhu Vocational and Technical College sophomore studying sister Pei (pseudonym), a hotel near the school falls, died of his wounds.

Chen Zhen told surging News (, Pei is Yuexi County, foreign tourism professionals in the school sophomore, who just turned 20 years old this year. By family making inquiries, incident, Pei with two freshman boys near the school meals, has been eating around at 2:00 on the 1st, during which three people have been drinking. Subsequently, three people near the school to open a hotel room, 5:00 pm falls accident occurred.

Surging news from the local police that, at present, two freshman boys involved have already been controlled. Specific case, police are still under investigation.

Tragedy at the East Gate of Wuhu Vocational Institute, the company called "Days Business Hotel," the 6th floor room 618.

According to reports, the incident, the hotel manager, said Zhang Xu, about two o'clock that day, Pepe and two other men came to the hotel. At that time three people and there is nothing strange, complete the registration card after three people walked into the hotel room. Until four or five in the morning, when two boys (wearing only underwear, also barefoot) suddenly rushed to the hall, ask the hotel staff call the police.

Chen Zhen said the two boys and one from Huangshan City, one from Inner Mongolia. Among them, the boy from Inner Mongolia, is pursuing Pei, but she did not agree with the boys together.