This very important operation first started in the United-States, but quickly it has come to our intention that child protection services are corrupted not only in the United-States but also in several countries all over the world. We have been investigating cases in the United States, the Netherlands, France, Germany, Belgium, Australia, Canada and Norway. All of these countries have one thing in common, child protective services violating Human and Children's rights. In many cases children are taken away from their home under false motives. Child protection services manipulate the facts in order to take children away from their families to increase profit for their organization. Now this message is aimed directly at you, child protection services and your corrupted social workers who are tampering with the files of these families. For too long your actions have gone unnoticed, and unpunished, this ends now. We are asking the FBI and Interpol to investigate the child protection services in these countries. If nothing is done, we are going to expose the CPS piece by piece. We are also working on an international protest for the 1st of June 2016, on the International children’s day. We are asking victims but also citizens around the world to join this campaign, it's time to show the CPS that their illegal actions will no longer be tolerated.
We are Anonymous
we are legion
We do not forgive
we do not forget,
Expect us
International Operation Expose CPS has been launched
Child protection services you should have expected us.