Whether Salem Kenar and Reggie Psou Sylow published (FP) dated report Foreign Policy February 9, 2016, wrote in the newspaper, established in northern Syria and the Islamic State (#Daash) organization the control of the gas, have proved that the business organization and between the Syrian regime list.
According to the report, according to officials of the Turks and the "Syrian rebels", it is in spite of the President #Bashar_alosd, Russia and its allies against the Islamic State government declared a war, but natural gas facility's control of the organization, the Islamic State and companies linked to the president of Russia's energy partner sites #Vladimir_boaten between.
It has been reported, it is made by a company (STROY across gas) Russia Emaar company, which is controlled by billionaire (Gennady Temcenko), a close friend of Putin, and the company close contact Erimlin built capital, the newspaper reported that former the US Treasury has approved (STROY across gas), in addition to the company owned by (Temcenko) rest, they directly (Putin) interrelated activities participation, following Ukraine # events.
According to the article, the plant's controversial stories, including the Assad regime and businessman Ross - in addition to moderate Syrian group tried together Syrian Islamic countries can be provided to activate them, make financial and logistical facilities facility biggest increase (Syria ).
Syrian government in 2007 awarded based on the parent company (STROY span gas) facilities (Tweinan) contract, owned by Russian citizens secondary Contracting Company (Hsko) investment and construction - Syria (George Hassoana), the US Treasury has punished companies (Hsko ) last November conciliation Islamic countries and the Assad regime, and deny the sale of oil costs between this allegation Hassoana, according to FP.
In this partnership with Joseph Arbash wife (Hassoana) between # Management Office (Hsko) Moscow (Hsko) of, (STROY span gas) FP far beyond an interview with reporters the deal, he said, the two companies # Sudan, Algeria, Iraq and the United Arab Emirates, a joint venture worked since 2000.
According to the construction process continues slowly to the Union seized joint action with the support of Al-Qaida victory at the front established in 2013. Syrian rebels articles. With FP Abu Khalid, the brigade of Qais Al Qarni, a member of the Union who are part of an interview with reporters, when they enter the area, engineers and consultants Russians fled, leaving the Syrians staff, he said later. And Abizaid said: "We decided to protect this plant, we believe we will be by the Syrian people, he is the king of the Syrian state-owned."
According to FP, and the lips of senior Turkish officials, the Islamic state since 2014, plant control, and after these controls, continue (STROY span gas) through the construction of facilities (Hsko), subcontractors and licensed Islamic countries, also claimed Russian engineers are still working within the facilities to complete the project.
According to the Syrian government reports, newspaper last November confirmed this view, in January 2014 released a report, after the control of the Islamic countries of the facility, the paper quoted the Syrian government sources said, (STROY span gas ) has completed 80% of the project and expected to be passed to the system established by the second half of the year. Although this is not an article of the facility it is under the control of Islamic countries mentioned.
According to the details of the first phase of the project .. production facility is headquartered in London, which saw the (George Hassoana) wrote a letter to # (David Porter), at the Institute (Chatham House) Research Associate Display start at the end of 2014, and is ready to complete all work in 2015. "Some natural gas into electricity to do the milking station, wherein the operating under the protection of Islamic countries, and the rest is pumped to (Holmes) and (Damascus)" by what he said.
He also said, FP's (Abu Khalid), Russian engineers are still working in the factory, and (Hassoana) a system with Islamic countries and joint use of gas production from the plant process. Daash said, using the name "Daash allow Russian companies to re-send its engineers and staff in exchange for a larger share of gas and money Alambtzh work," and attributed his information to the Syrian rebel leaders who are fighting the regional Islamic state. He added: "This is the staff of Russian companies through a military base in the province of Hama # change their changes."
The newspaper reported that, Hassoana reject these allegations, and the Ministry of Finance, he served as an intermediary between the Islamic countries and the Assad regime's gas deal, saying after the return has never denied working gas facilities (Hsko) in continuation control of the area of ​​Islamic countries.
In 2014 Vadet group (Hsko) October Syrian media activities (tenderness silently slaughter) reported among Islamic countries (Hsko) and provisions for mediation has signed an agreement with the Islamic countries they are ready to give up big profits in their favor part. He came in October 2015 adopted the Financial Times reports indicate that the gas produced in the laboratory was sent to Aleppo thermal stations and official control of Islamic countries, but the deal provides 50 megawatts of electricity system, while Islamic countries to get 70 MW of electricity and 300 million barrels of condensate. According to FP, who worked in the lab engineer told the Financial Times said (Hsko) also sent nearly $ 50,000 a month in the Islamic countries to make their own efforts to protect the precious organs.